Using Reward Dollars
- Will I get a new Blue Rewards card to use in 2024?
- Can reward dollars earned in 2023 be used in 2024?
- What if I do not renew my BlueCross policy?
- Can I take my reward dollars with me if I leave BlueCross?
- What if I renew my BlueCross policy but one member of my family is no longer a dependent, and therefore, is not part of my policy. Do I get to keep those Blue Rewards dollars?
- What if I get a flu shot toward the end of the year and earn reward dollars? Will I only have a few days after receiving the flu shot to use the rewards?
- How long will it take for the carryover dollars to show in my Blue Rewards account?
- If I registered for Blue Rewards prior, do I need to re-register in a new year?
- Can reward dollars be used to pay for prescription medicines?
- Can reward dollars be used at the doctor’s office?
- Can reward dollars be used by non-members?
- Can reward dollars be used out of network?
- Can Blue Rewards dollars be used on dental or vision expenses?
- Do reward dollars have to be used by the same member who earned them?
- Why can’t I use my card at this doctor?
- Why is my card not working?
- Will I be required to fill out forms regarding use of reward dollars?